08:39:17 PM, 11-Feb-2025 |
Islamic madarsas have been established for the protection of Islamic values, symbols and for the propagation of Islamic learnings behind which are the struggles of God-fearing men, their duas made specially in times of tahujjd and their sincere works done for the sake of seeking the Will of Allah the Almighty. The chain of establishing of these madarsas, after the freedom fight of in 1857, had started in such a very hazardous and risky situations which posed dangers to Muslims and a about a century saw these madarasas running in a lack and shortage of facilities and in great trouble.
Centuries before, it had been prophesied by the Ulama through the saying of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that; بداَ الاسلام غریبا فسیعود کما بداَ فطوبی للغرباء.This saying had an attraction and it had given a glad-tiding message to those, having got fed up after suffering problems in all walks of life, not lose their hopes. And hence, all the hardships went away and this voice took a form of movement resulting in a number of madaris got established which continues till yet. In whatever form of Islam you see toady in the in sub-continent is because of those Islamic Madaris. Had not been these madaris, there would not have been these makatib, also, what would have been fate of the United India if those mulla and durvesh had not devoted their lives only for some meager money through which a life hardly passes.
However, after the 1857 mass movement and massacre, when the religion of Islam was struggling a lot for its survival and persistence, Hazrat Maulana Qasim Nanotvi (1832 - 1880) launched a movement of founding Islamic madaris for the renaissance of Islam in India, to protect Islamic culture, to propagate Islamic teachings and to restore and rehabilitate the golden past of Muslims. May Allah give the best rewards to the noble souls!
Jamia HussainiaMadni Nagar Kishanganj is also one of chain of those Islamic madarsas which, not only on the gesture of Hazra Maulana Sayyed Asad Madni sb(1928-2006), the Amir-e-millat, and man of struggles for the protection of Islamic educations, but on his command, was founded by Hazrat Mualana Muhammad Ghiyasuddin Sb Qasmi, the khalifa majaz of Hazrat Mualana Asad Madni sb.
Jamia Husainia Madni Nagar Kishanganj
+91-9472477241, 9973918786